Larry Blake has long been a fan of cartoonist John Stanley (1914-1993) and his work on the Little Lulu comic books of the 1950s. In 1999, Larry inked and colored a page penciled by Stanley, one of the last drawings completed by him before his death in 1993. Both pages were published in HoLLywood Ecelectern, the Little Lulu fanzine, John Stanley's in 1993, Larry Blake's in 1999. This year, Fantagraphics Books published a biography of John Stanley, and it includes images of that same penciled page and Larry's inked and colored version:
The Fantagraphics biography is called John Stanley: Giving Life to Little Lulu, and is was written by Bill Schelly, associate editor of Alter Ego. Congratulations to Larry Blake for once again having his artwork published hardback.
Text copyright 2017 Five Star Comics