Monday, October 17, 2016

Mothman on YouTube

A YouTube user named Mothman Historian has posted a video showing his Mothman shelf, a collection of books, toys, figurines, and other collectibles and memorabilia in his home. It's a nice collection and includes books and other items by Gary Gibeaut, Jason Gibeaut, Larry Blake, and Terence Hanley. Mothman Historian also has art by Andy Finkle, an artist we met at the Mothman Festival in September 2016, as well as patches by George Coghill, whom we met in 2015. The video is about fifteen and a half minutes long. Here is a link:

Here is a link to Andy Finkle's website:

 Finally, here's a link to George Coghill's website:

Happy viewing.

 Text copyright 2016 Five Star Comics